Munchkins of Mayhem - Guild Policies

Guild Policies

The reputation of the guild and its individual members must be one of the primary focuses of everyone. Our goal is to maintain a visible presence on the server, and be viewed by the server community as an honorable and charitable Guild. Members are expected to carry themselves in a manner that reflects well upon the guild as a whole.

Guild Chat
The /Guildsay channel is a private means of communication for guild members only. It's use is a privilege of being in the guild, and places a certain level of responsibility upon each member. Most importantly, guild chat will be a positive environment and is not the place to vent or rant. There will be no arguing amongst guild members on guild chat. It will be given that there will be disagreements, and if you need to debate the matter, please do so in /tells. If you find that you can not resolve your differences; feel free to contact an Officer to settle the argument, but be warned, the ruling of an Officer are Final and may not be appealed. Also since the guild has members of various genders, races, ages, nationalities and political divisions; discussions that might be offensive to these groups is prohibited.

Keeping Informed
WE VERY HIGHLY recommend that each member checks the Web site and especially the MESSAGE BOARD for the latest information and news such as Raids, Events, Times and Dates of Events, etc... Please use the message board often as it is the best source of timely information. The Message Board is a Privilege and a great means of communicating, we ENCOURAGE each member to participate as much as they can.

We, the members, are very proud of our Guild Tag and each member is encouraged not to go anonymous in Norrath. This will help other members easily find those near them for grouping and assistance. If going anonymous is needed (for one of many reasons), please use the /roleplay command so that the guild tag will stay intact.

Guild Mates
Whenever possible, party with fellow guild mates, especially when they need help obtaining quest items. We are a Family of friends outside of the real world and that is why we are here, to work together and help each other,and you never know when you may need the help. It also looks good to see groups of Munchkins traveling and fighting together.

Guild Events
Guild events are called for the purposes of Bonding the Guild together, gathering necessary equipment and just generally doing mayhem and having fun. Please be Prompt - people don't like waiting to start killing or having fun.

Begging is not tolerated. Period. Giving out free items is an act of kindness from another member and should not be expected.

Kill Stealing
Do not steal kills! As tempting as it may be, KS'ing is not tolerated in our Guild. There should always be a way to share spawns, if not, just hunt somewhere else. If you are having issues with another KS'er, simply speak to him/her in a kindly fashion and if that does not work /petition a GM and report the offense. Do not risk suspension by trying to "get back" at your competition.

Loot Stealing
Do not loot fallen monsters that you did not kill. Unless you have permission from the characters that killed the MOB, do not scavenge other corpses. If you see a lone corpse and there is nobody around, it is fair game, but if there is a group nearby, it is a safe bet that it's their kill.

Help Non-Members
Assist others when you can. Let's give MoM a good reputation on the Vazaelle server. If someone needs a buff, help finding a corpse, a teleport, bind, etc…and if it is within your power to help, do it. Of course, there's nothing wrong with excepting donations in the process.

Party often and represent us well. Partying outside the guild is a great way to meet other adventurers that could be considered for membership. It's also a good way to make new friends. When partying, loot responsibly and pull your weight. We want to show others that the MoM are Mature and Experienced players, and that they know their Business!

Looting Rules for Raids:
The Looting rules that you are about to read ONLY applies to Raids and not to your regular groups.

NOTE: The same rules apply for non-guilded members that wish to join us. For Alliances the Looting rules will be discussed among Guild Leaders an Officers.

  1. All Loot will be distributed in the terms of "need before greed", this same rule will apply to No Drop items as well. You are not eligible if the item you have is better then what drops.
  2. All Loot will be Random 1-5000 with level caps, if a tie should happen then those members that tie will reroll. The level caps consist of 15-20, 20-30, 25-35, 30-40, 35-45, 40-50, 45-55, 50-60.
    Example: If an item drops in the level category of 39, then members that are levels 30-45 only may roll but if item drops in level category 41, members at level 35-50 may roll.
    The level of creature dropping the item will determine what level caps should roll.
  3. All Primary characters will have first rights on loot and all Alts/Twinks will be on the bottom of the loot chain. Meaning that you will not be able to roll for an item if someone's primary is in the random roll. However, if there isn't a primary in the roll you may random that item with other alts/twinks.
  4. If you win an Item and have no need anymore for the item you are replacing, we then encourage you to please hand that item down to whom you think mostly deserves it. This is what we call chain looting, an by doing this a lot of members can walk out with something rather then nothing. This rule is not mandatory, it is only encouraged and by not following this rule you will not be looked upon any less, its simply optional.
  5. All raids will have set timers, once that raid ends the loot will be given out accordingly. After the loot has been given out, anyone that wishes may continue the raid using the same loot policies until there is only 1 group left, then it will be up to your group leader to decide how you loot.
  6. You are not entitled for any loot if it was dropped in a raid you did not attend unless the item was not claimed and it was put in the Guild Treasury.
  7. If you camp/log before the end of the raid you are not entitled to any loot that has dropped after you have done so, unless the item was not claimed and it was put in the Guild Treasury.
  8. There will be two master looters for each group, one for coins and one for items, the looter for coins is to take split off. Both looters is recommended to bring only what is needed an to dispense other items and coins to avoid confusion and encumbrance, if it so happens that you were not able to get to a bank please ask a guilded friend to hold your stuff until raid has ended. At the end of the raid the person in the group in charge of loot must contact the guild leader, co-guild leader or if there is another officer in charge of loot with what was claimed. The master coin looter is to split off to each member in there group accordingly. If the master looters become encumbered then it will be up to the group leader to assign an additional looters.
  9. If you already won an item then you will not be eligible for the next lotto unless know one needs that item. This rule is implemented so that all members have a better chance on getting an item, of course not everyone can get something but this rule will help.
    NOTE: Remember to be careful on what items you roll for. Meaning if you roll on an item that you need but kind of don't need and win the roll, then you will not be eligible for a better item for your character until all other members attending the raid has won items, therefore starting the process all over again.
  10. If a person has to leave before the end of a raid and they have not looted an item yet, then they may ask for one of the items already looted. This choice must be approved by the majority of the raid members, and only applies if the person has been present and helpful on a majority of the raid. This also does not pertain to an Item already given out.
  11. Any Ultra Rare Items (Dragon-Planes) that drop will be assign to an individual at the officers discretion. Meaning all Officers will vote on who needs/deserves the specific item the most. Who the rare drops will go to will be announce before each raid.
    NOTE: Any Ultra Rare Item that drops during a raid is considered the guilds property. The specific item may not be sold, traded or given away with out the guild leaders approval. This one rule is very important and can mean banishment if not obeyed.
  12. The jewels (ruby crowns, etc.) are split amongst the Clerics to cover Symbol costs. If an Enchanter used Rune spells TO GOOD EFFECT (i.e. they saved lives) then should be reimbursed. If the jewels do not cover reagent costs for the Clerics, the remaining gems are divided amongst them until costs are covered. Same thing applies for wizard costs on components on hate/sky raids.
  13. Any remaining high-end gems are given to raid members who did not receive any loot, or received substantially less loot than others.
  14. If anyone that has been attending many raids that feel that they are not getting there share of loot by either being cheated or not winning any rolls then that person is to contact an officer. If it is in fact that you have not been winning any roles, we will then review the looting list and if indeed you have been left out of many items then we will reward you the next drop that you are specifically looking for on the raid being attended.

One other thing . . .
Have Fun! Everquest is a game, not an obligation. If you feel like you are getting burned out, take a couple of days off. When you return, you will be recharged and ready for the Fun again.

Repercussions of Failure to Abide by these Guidelines:
These guidelines will be enforced. Again, the guild is more important than any individual, and no one in the guild will be exempt from following them. Repeated failures to abide by these guidelines will result in banishment from the Munchkins of Mayhem. The decision to banish any member will fall to the Guild Leaders and the Captains.

Thank you,

The Berserker Gnome
~Munchkins of Mayhem~

Disclaimer: These Policies are subject to change for the better of the guild in the future and only The High Council and Council may make these changes.

© Munchkins of Mayhem 2001